Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Total Mileage: approx. 4294
License Plate Total: 48 (We messed up the numbers it was actually 47 but we saw Hawaii on the way to the Grand Canyon)

After a day of sight seeing in Los Angeles it was time for us to move onto the Grand Canyon. It was another 8-hour day in the car but with the road changes the trip seemed shorter. We didn’t end up being able to stop for lunch until later in the afternoon because there are barely any rest stops or picnic areas on the way to the Grand Canyon. We stopped in Williams, Arizona (American’s Main St) before making the rest of the trip to the park entrance. Upon entering the park we were really surprised by the amount of vegetation and trees that were in the park. We also were surprised at how commercialized the town before the park was and even parts of the park. We stopped at the Mather Vista Point before setting up our campsite at the Mather campground. Our campsite was much nicer than the one at Yellowstone. It was really shaded and we weren’t right on top of our neighbors. We turned in early for the night since we were tired from the long day of driving and wanted to be rested for a day of hiking the Rim. 


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